
  • Marica Ž. Travar Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет Бијељина


Кључне речи:

institutional early learning, kindergarten staff, Varimax factor rotation


The new approach to educational work in preschool institutions also implies the competence of preschool teachers to create favorable environment for the process of early learning. How the resources of the kindergarten and the wider environment will be exploited, reshaped and whether they will be in the function of early learning. depends on the initiative, creativity and engagement of preschool teachers. The role of the human, that is, the personnel factor can not be denied in the process of choosing of activities intended for early learning, as well as in the process of their enrichment and their directing to higher levels of development.

The aim of this paper was to identify preschool teacherss' assessments of the most valuable factors that indicate their role in creating favorable environment for early learning in kindergarten. The sample consisted of 100 preschool teachers employed in public and private kindergartens in the Republic of Srpska. The data collected by the scalar were analyzed using the factor analysis, and four factors that indicated the perception of preschool teachers about their own roles in creating favorable environment for early learning of preschoolers were separated.


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