
  • Zorica V. Cvetanović Учитељски факултет, Београд
  • Ivica V. Radovanović Учитељски факултет, Београд
  • Dragana S. Bogavac Учитељски факултет, Београд




functional literacy, reading comprehension, writing various texts, use of computers in class


The paper presents different ways of developing basic elements of literacy in mother tongue class with the possibility of using a computer in making pupils functionally literate. Research covers reading comprehension, writing, enriching vocabulary, language and written exercises. The aim of the paper was to determine frequency of the use of a computer and its role in making pupils functionally literatate in Serbian language class. Sample research involved primary schools teachers in lower classes in Serbia (N=450). Survey methods and a scaling technique were applied here and the instrument used was the scale of assessment for teachers. Research results show that teachers emphasize reading comprehension and the knowledge of writing methodology as the base of functional literacy. A computer is used for the preparation of writing, i.e. collection of thematic material, which is definitely not enough to reach high quality learning outcomes in mother tongue class. That is why it is necessary to prepare detailed methodical instructions for teachers how to use a computer in making pupils functionally literate, which will further lead to modern ways of communication.


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How to Cite

V. Cvetanović, Z., V. Radovanović, I., & S. Bogavac, D. (2017). ELEMENTS OF FUNCTIONAL LITERACY AND THE USE OF COMPUTERS IN LOWER CLASSES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL. Nova škola, 12(2), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.7251/NS1702001C