
  • Rada Mandić Педагошки факултет у Бијељини Универзитет Источно Сарајево
  • Lidija Jovičić Педагошки факултет у Бијељини Универзитет Источно Сарајево
  • Milijana Đurić Педагошки факултет у Бијељини Универзитет Источно Сарајево




Reflexive practice, improvement of teaching, quality teacher


The subject of the research of this paper is the theoretical and empirical research of the characteristics of the reflexive practice of geography teachers in secondary schools of the Republic of Srpska, the application of reflexive practice in the teaching of geography and the influence of reflexive practice on the teaching process. Reflexive practice, adopted as a structure of thinking, leads the teacher to reconsider what needs to be changed in his own teaching and pedagogical practice. The basic hypothesis is based on the fact that reflexive practice is very important for the work of teachers and has great influence on the improvement of methodical practice. The auxiliary hypothesis is based on the fact that the discovery and analysis of the characteristics of reflexive practice is a prerequisite for improving the quality of the teaching process. In the research, we applied a survey technique based on questions about the teachers' personal attitudes about the application and significance of reflexive practice. The sample included 40 secondary school teachers on the territory of Republika Srpska. The character of the subject, subject, tasks and hypotheses of the research influenced the selection of appropriate research methods primarily descriptive and mathematical-statistical with the application of the Likert scale. The obtained results indicate that there is a reflection in the work of geography teachers, they are aware that reexamining teaching and thinking about it influences the improvement of their teaching practice, the promotion of the educational institution in which they work, and, most of all, the students and improving their achievements.


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How to Cite

Mandić, R., Jovičić, L., & Đurić, M. (2018). TESTING THE TEACHERS ’ASSIGNMENTS ON THE APPLICATION AND IMPORTANCE OF REFLECTIVE PRACTICES IN THE TEACHING GEOGRAPHY. Nova škola, 13(1), 192–200. https://doi.org/10.7251/NSK1801192M