
  • Dragana Marić ЈУ ОШ. „Кнез Иво од Семберије” Бијељина
  • Zoran Jovanović ЈУ ОШ. „Кнез Иво од Семберије” Бијељина



child, parent, teacher, partnership, communication


The success of the overall relationship between family and school at great depends on the quality of communication between a teacher and parents, which not only encompasses providing information, decisions, questions and demands, but a great deal more than that, a positive influence on the complete development of a personality, learning and behaviour of children. This thesis focuses on the problems of abandonment of the present traditionalism in relationships among all participants involved in the school tasks, creating a more suitable school atmosphere, mainly in the area of an improved position of students. However, in the frame of such a school paradigm, teachers would, together with parents, instead of a previously used method of cooperation, be able to use more contemporary work strategies, a more comprehensive and direct involvement of parents in every stage of the school process, like partnerships. At the same time, students would use 'the space of creating freely' instead of a sterile 'listening to teaching'. It is a given that the modernisation of schools on the whole is inevitable, as well as better knowledge of the usage of means based on new technological possibilities, although the most important role is the one of students acting in regards with their own development. The descriptive method with analysis of a great number of theoretical sources.


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How to Cite

Marić, D., & Jovanović, Z. (2018). PEDAGOGICAL CHALLENGES IN RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN FAMILIES AND SCHOOLS. Nova škola, 13(1), 126–135.

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