
  • Dragana Vesić Педагошки факултет Бијељина
  • Neda Gavrić Педагошки факултет Бијељина




motor skills, young age, physical activity, batery of motor skills


Motor skills are part of general psychophysical abilities of which depends successful execution of movement. Motor skills are strength, speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility, balance and precision. The aim of this work was to determine differences in motor skills in children between 8 and 10 years. The sample comprised a group of 51 students from second, third, fourth and fifth grade of Primary School ‘Dositej Obradović’ in Suvo Polje. Students were tested with the following tests: polygon backwards, slalom with three balls, hand tapping in 15 seconds, sitting forward bend, jump out, running for 20 meters, raising hull in 60 seconds and endurance in pull-ups. It is concluded that the biggest difference according to age and gender are in coordination, where boys are better. Girls have better flexibility skill. Age doesn’t affect the frequency of movement, but in other skills gender, age social environment and physical activity are mixed factor.


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How to Cite

Vesić, D., & Gavrić, N. (2022). DIFFERENCES IN MOTOR SKILLS IN CHILDREN BETWEEN 8 AND 10 YEARS. Nova škola, 17(1), 7–20. https://doi.org/10.7251/NSK2217007V