
  • Milena Ivanović Универзитету источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет у Бијељини



play, children's literature, ludic, nonsense, immanent approach


Play as the most frequent manifestation of ludism in literary works for children is not merely cosmetic and entertaining function, but also cognitive and pragmatic one - attracting young readers and motivating them for future reading. Play as an element of literature for children is present in the works of folk literature, and in modern works that appreciate the reception needs of the child. Literary texts for children are frequently in their fundamental dimension more ludic than texts for adults just as play in the life of a child is more pronounced and more transparent than in the life of an adult. Given the importance of play in human life, especially children, this paper analyzes how much ludic activities whose most common manifestation is play, are present in the required reading for the second year of primary schools in the Republic of Srpska and how the term ludic as element can be used successfully in the interpretation of literay works for children at this age.


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How to Cite

Ivanović, M. (2013). LUDISM AS AN ELEMENT OF INTERPRETATION IN CHILDREN`S LITERATURE. Nova škola, 8(1), 309–321.НСК1311295И