civic education, democracy, human rights, primary school, The Citizen ProjectAbstract
Education for democracy and human rights is not just an educational trend in the modern world, and something that in a sense, pervades the system of education, it is also a necessity in our society. It is not enough to ensure respect for human rights only through legislation; if in addition, there is no awareness of the importance of respect of those rights for the life of people and the development of their community. It is for this reason that the teaching of democracy and human rights has been introduced into our educational system, first in high schools, then in elementary schools and in preschools and eventually it will be introduced to universities too. The author of the paper sets himself the goal which is to consider the meaning of education for democracy and human rights in primary schools, since this kind of teaching in our country has recently been established at this level of the education system, and since this is a very sensitive issue that raises certain challenges we need to keep in mind.
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