
  • Sanja Milić Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет у Бијељини
  • Vlado Simeunović Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет у Бијељини


teachers’ competences, gifted students


Ensuring quality education that would effectively respond to the emerging needs and interests of gifted students also includes the issue of teachers’ competences to work with them. In this paper we presented the state of our education system regarding the teaching staff competences and their sensibility for particular educational needs of gifted students and success in creation of the most adequate conditions to meet those needs. In this respect, we examined teachers who are already working in profession whether they are acquainted with the organization of work with the gifted students and we analysed curriculums of the teachers’ faculties in our republic. We concluded that teachers in our schools did not attend any form of professional training regarding this subject, as well as that no curriculum of the teachers’ faculty contains separate course unit which refers to work with gifted students. Based on these findings, we tried to develop a program that could be used for the development and acquisition of teachers’ competences for work with gifted students.


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How to Cite

Milić, S., & Simeunović, V. (2013). COMPETENCE OF TEACHERS TO WORK WITH GIFTED STUDENTS. Nova škola, 8(2), 40–51. Retrieved from

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