
  • Vesna Cvijetinović Технолошки факултет Зворник Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву




anglicisms, Serbian language, language contact, globalization


The paper presents a discussion of positive and negative aspects of the contact between English and Serbian, taking into consideration both linguistic and nonlinguistic facts and factors. The attitudes towards English as a global language vary widely, from those who emphasize the need for open communication, stronger connections and cooperation among different nations, to those who find that the presence of English seriously threatens minor languages and national identities. Positive effects of the contact between English and Serbian include the cases where anglicisms expand the vocabulary and diversify synonymous relationships, together with discovering the ways in which the interaction between language and thinking in one language is reflected in another language andimproving cognitive capacities. Negative aspects include the use of unjustified anglicisms, the overuse of anglicisms by certain social groups, the overuse of English in certain domains, and poor translations from English into Serbian.Therefore, to regard the presence of English in Serbian as something a priori negative would be wrong, just as it would be wrong to aspire to total linguistic purity of any language. Instead, greater efforts should be directed towards improving the quality of education, translation practice and publishing, as well as towards adequate language planning and strategies, in order to minimize the negative effects of the so-called “Angloserbian“.


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How to Cite

Cvijetinović, V. (2018). ON SOME ASPECTS OF THE PRESENCE OF ENGLISH IN SERBIAN. Nova škola, 13(2), 29–48. https://doi.org/10.7251/NSK1802029C