
  • Slađana Vilotić Републички педагошки завод Фоча


Кључне речи:

competencies of teachers for implementation of inclusive education process, inclusive teaching, didactic - methodical approach of the teachers in inclusive education process, attitudes of teachers towards inclusive education process


After a theoretical introduction and consideration of the role and competencies of teachers for planning, programming, preparation and implementation of inclusive education process, the author presents the results of a study carried out in 2011 at 718 respondents. Study population consisted of 23 teachers of primary schools, from 16 municipalities, from 3 regions of the eastern part of the Republic of Srpska. The aim of this study was to investigate the didactic and methodical approach of teachers in inclusive education process in primary schools, and the linkage of these approaches with teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education and their socio-demographic characteristics. Obtained and interpreted results of this study imply a recommendation for a systematic and continuous improvement of inclusive education process. Creating the conditions for inclusive education process requires changing the role and didactic methodical approach of teachers and, accordingly, indicating the importance and the role of higher education in the development of general and specific competencies of future teachers.


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