
  • Ivica Radovanovic Универзитет у Београду Учитељски факултет
  • Dragana Bogavac Универзитет у Београду Учитељски факултет
  • Lidija Gocevic Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет у Бијељини

Кључне речи:

efficiency, systematic, interaction, production, quality, school, continuity, perspective


Education is in itself a social good. So, it increases social mobility, facilitates the adaptation of an individual to constant social changes which make faster progress of science. Today, on the threshold of the third millennium, the functioning of the education system is far from a pedagogical effectiveness. This inefficiency can be seen through an analysis of the extent to which the knowledge and skills acquired in school are used later.

What conditions do we provide? How to improve the quality of education? Quality: control or necessity? These are key questions that this paper deals with. Predictors of the problem can be provided by a systematic approach to education financing, the optimal network of schools, valid curriculum and by providing continuity (the transition from one level to another). The education of the new millennium can not be characterized by quantitative expansion but qualitative leap.


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