
  • Dragna Radivojević Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факилтет у Бијељини
  • Milijana Jelić Основна школа „Меша Селимовић” Јања



outdoor education, the teaching of Nature and Society, visits, excursions, schools in the nature


The first part of the paper deals with theoretical basis of classroom teaching and teaching of Nature and Society.

In the second part of the paper we analyze the attitudes and opinions of educators on competences for the realization of classroom teaching and teaching of Nature and Society, its impact on quality of work and motivation of students and the problems that teachers encounter in practice. The study included 140 educators from the territory of the municipalities of Bijeljina, Ugljevik, Lopare, Modrica, Doboj, Zvornik and Sekovici.

The research results show that outdoor education is not sufficiently represented in the teaching of Science and Society in relation to motivation of students and the quality of knowledge through learning in a natural environment. The reasons for this situation can be seen in the attitudes of educators in which they highly evaluate their competence in theoretical knowledge of classroom teaching and its planning, but only concerning preparation for the implementation of classroom teaching and the evaluation phase of work while systematization of data or material collected in the field are the stages which were ignored or they are not given enough importance.

The most common problems in the implementation of learning in a natural environment are related to lack of motivation of teachers and the great influence of traditional teaching, as well as to insufficient experience in the preparation and organization and difficulties in realizing these classes.


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How to Cite

Radivojević, D., & Jelić, M. (2016). SCIENCE LESSONS IN TEACHING SCIENCE AND SOCIETY. Nova škola, 11(1), 235–250.